Home > Rails > Full Ajax-CRUD Rails Application – Customers Demo

Full Ajax-CRUD Rails Application – Customers Demo

I have changed the Customer App from Cem Ikta and written a full ajax crud web application with Ruby on Rails.

Features : base ajax CRUD functions, list, bootstap style will-paginate,  ajax search, sorting, flash messages, form validation etc.


Customers App has the following technology stack:


Full source code on GitHub


Customers App screenshots:




  1. Axek
    23. January 2013 at 03:52

    Thanks! I was looking thin app example!

    How ajax request does browser navigator url change ??

  2. 8. May 2013 at 10:57

    Really nice article, and gui of the example is awesome.

  3. mms
    15. May 2013 at 04:02

    Thanks by the sample. But when we save any features (categories, customers or countries) with an empty information the error message not displayed. The message appear only when success. Can you help?

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